Nefelibata is all about positive thinking and positive mindset. Positivity contributes to healthier body and mind.

In business, positivity is also the path that leads towards reaching goals and business growth. Inspiring and influential entrepreneurs all have one thing in common: their positive mindset.

On my Journey to where I am today, many beautiful people have crossed my path. Some of them just crossed it, others accompanied me for a while and some of them are still walking with me.

In a certain way, all of them have inspired me and helped me to keep going for what I feel I should do every day. Their stories are valuable to me and therefore I want to share them here, with you.

Patience & Passion

The Story of Chá Camélia

It was my first trip after arriving at my new home in Portugal, in September 2019. The trip led me to Fornelo, a small village between Braga and Porto, near the ocean. An event called ‘Festa do Chá’ had triggered my attention. It was a celebration of the first harvest of the flowers of the Camellia Sinensis at a place called Chá Camélia. For me it was the first time ever I saw tea plants and a tea plantation in real life, so my curiosity was pretty intense.